Friday, November 13, 2009

Why Leftover Fried Chicken

Talking to my fiance the other day (and, yes, the day before and today and this morning too, it's a habit I've grown fond of) and mentioned that I was thinking of doing a blog just because. Her response was some variation of "Shouldn't you have a reason?"

I've thought about it and decided, nah, I just kinda want to write at random in a bit of anonymity just because. So.

Why Leftover Fried Chicken?

1. Have you ever had cold Leftover Fried Chicken at 2 in the morning after having two too many beers? It's awesome. Rivaled only by leftover cold pizza.
2. I'm a southern boy.
3. I hope to be as tasty as Leftover Fried Chicken (well, that's impossible -- smell o'vision is out there, but I don't think you can lick your screen to taste leftover Popeye's or, better, my own version of Leftover Fried Chicken). Let's just say I hope to write good stuff.
4. I write and read a lot during the day as part of my job. These are my leftover thoughts.

Hope you enjoy.

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